Wednesday, 22 May 2013

It must be fate!

It is all finally coming together!  I have always felt that this house was "meant to be" for us; even at the start of the process things just seemed to slot into place.

For instance, on the fateful Tuesday when I'd driven all the way from Dorset to view the property for the first time, I contacted my mortgage advisor. Usually this means leaving a message and having a conversation some later. This time, I was put straight through and Dave (our mortgage advisor) very calmly and competently told me what I needed to do and what we would need to borrow. Phew! - it was all okay, we could afford the house; he put me in touch with a firm of solicitors and arranged a mortgage promise to be faxed to the estate agent's later that morning.  Fantastic!  All going to plan so far, and so armed with a coffee and biscuit, I set about writing the bid for what I hoped would be our future home (fingers and toes crossed).  I wrote what I hoped was a very good bid, describing not just the offer amount, but what we hoped to do with the property. It was all delivered to the estate agent's office by 12.30, after which I set off back to Dorset for the rest of the family holiday! 

All we had to do then was wait...  Little did I know then, that the two months until the Council meeting on 25th October 2012 was a short wait, compared to some of the other delays we've faced! In the end, though, we got there: contracts have now been exchanged and amoving date set for next Wednesday. So the next time I sit down to write this blog, I will be sitting in our new house! I'll be bursting with ideas of what to do with it, but first I guess I will have to tackle the boxes and all the unpacking!!  My head is a little fuzzy right now with the 101 things that need doing before the move, but there is light at the end of the tunnel and soon I can finally get down to crafting my new home!