Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Moving with children

All is quiet in the house, the boys are off to karate and my little girl has disappeared off somewhere in the house!  A chance for me to clear out just that little bit more before we move - but first better check on my princess. She has got herself all snug in her brother's bed, dressed up as Scooby Doo and surrounded herself with books about Dragons.  I sneaked a little look at her smiling at the books and then left her in peace - these are the moments to remember about your little ones!

So back to the bin bags - one pile for charity, the other for the tip.  Very therapeutic, this throwing out lark!  I heard on the radio yesterday a piece about the amount of clutter the average Briton hoards: it would fill up a bedroom and if sold would make a profit of thousands of pounds!  I can believe it - we always seem to be having clear-outs but still there is so much stuff!!  The radio presenter said that her rule is to only keep it if it is beautiful, useful or loved!  A good mantra, but still easier said than done - it is funny how easy it is to justify keeping an item as useful, or "just in case" it might come in useful!

 My sister gave me a very useful book on the topic of how to de-clutter.  I guess it is generally common sense, but things with such sentimental attachment are hard to part with.  So having a book that explains in a clinical and systematic way how to do each room has been a great help.

I do find the children's toys the hardest job when it comes to clearing out.  It is impossible to do while they are around as the oldest, babiest toy becomes the favourite as soon as there is the slightest mention of taking it to the charity shop!  They also seem to have amazing memories for all the hundreds of cuddly toys that they accumulate - so surreptitiously removing items doesn't seem to work either.  In the end it was bribery and corruption which miraculously removed any hesitation or resistance on the children's part to sorting through their toys!  A sweet was awarded for each proper handful of toys to be given away.  Needless to say this was my husband's idea, and although I was not entirely comfortable with the methods, it did work!

So now we have a home which is spotlessly clean (almost), void of clutter and ready for the move.  Just waiting for the go-ahead now - nearly there!

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